Arizona Cybersecurity Team (Act)
AWS Security
A common curated list of links, references, books videos, tutorials (Free or Paid), Exploit, CTFs, Hacking Practices etc. which are obviously related to AWS Security.
CEO Scam (Live Action)
CEO scams involve the scammer pretending to be a CEO and asking for sensitive information or wire transfers.
Checks if your email was used in Emotet attacks
A new service has been launched that allows you to check if an email domain or address was in an Emotet spam campaign.
CIS Top 20 Security Controls
CISA - Rumor Control
CISA Alert Home Page
Clean Desk Policy (Tips) (Live Action)
This simple security awareness tip makes it just a little harder for someone with bad intentions to steal company information.
Conference Rooms and Whiteboards (Animated)
While whiteboards in conference rooms are useful, it is crucial to ensure that sensitive information is erased and/or properly secured for future reference.
Configs for web apps by mozilla
Cyber Security Awareness and the future workforce
This presentation reviews security awareness and the future cyber workforce.
Cybersecurity Resources
This is a presentation from CISA about resources available to entities to help protect the cyber environment.
DIY Password Method (Animated)
This learning module shows employees how to choose a good password that is secure, impossible to crack, and easy to remember.